Ashlee Glazer

Ashlee was a world traveler as the Global Ambassador of Smith Cult. She also taught training to the salon partners, and organized events for Marie Claire London. Ashlee draws inspiration from her experiences. Ashlee Glazer has been my beauty partner for as long I remember. We've worked together in every aspect of the business, from the counters and the red carpet. My regular clients and Celebrities brides inspire me and provide me with ideas and tips to share as a beauty and lifestyle professional. My favorite way to end my day is to spend time with family or friends at an outdoor table. I want to use my resources and community to build a space where my art can entertain and inform people as well as giving back. Ashlee Glaser works as a make-up specialist for famous people and also a beauty expert on air. She helps women increase their confidence and power via self-expression. She inspires women to feel comfortable and confident in taking on the world by doing what she does. Kyle Glazer is my sibling. She was born May 12th, 2012. her parents have been Harry Glazer as well as Jennifer Glazer. The Goshen show enticed me as I felt right at my home on the campus. The Goshen atmosphere was fantastic, the dynamics of the team were excellent and the coaches made it easy to decide. I am proud of her dad for his hard work ethic and ability to be able talk with people in all situations. Watcher's best athletic memory was winning the national and state title.

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